Jay Trucks & Associates, P. C.

Archive for January, 2022
Jan 27, 2022

Surgery can be costly, particularly when it is for an injury caused by another’s negligence. Injury victims who get surgery have more medical expenses to claim than those who do not, right? The reality is more complicated than that. Surgery may increase the value of some compensation claims. However, others may not increase as much […]

Jan 21, 2022

Dealing with medical treatments and unexpected bills after a car crash is hard enough for injured victims. However, after filing a no-fault claim, their insurer may also require them to get an independent medical exam (IME). This unexpected request can cause anxiety and a lot of questions for victims still trying to recover from their […]

Jan 19, 2022

When you receive medical care for a severe injury or illness, you may sometimes want to get another doctor’s opinion. This is especially true if surgery or other high-risk treatments are being recommended. That said, does Michigan allow you to seek a second opinion for a workers’ comp injury? If so, will the cost of […]

Jan 11, 2022

No one can fully prepare for a car crash and all that comes with it. In addition to seeking medical care and sorting out property damages, accident victims will need to contact the insurance company.  While all of these steps are important, victims may often wait to call an attorney after a crash until much […]